Real Wealth® Marketing and Redtail Technology now seamlessly integrate with the click of a button. “We are excited for this integration and are proud to be 100% turnkey for advisors,” stated Kayla Joosse, Marketing Coordinator and Content Quality Manager at Real Wealth®. Having two cutting edge platforms come together is going to ripple through the industry and significantly enhance advisors’ experience, helping them achieve new heights.
Real Wealth® offers compliance pre-approved drip marketing material that educates, inspires, and motivates clients and prospects to take action with their advisor, while Redtail allows advisors to capture all the information, notes, and data on clients to make the most of every appointment. Integrating these tools has created one powerful force, without advisors having to maintain two databases. This integration not only enhances the advisor experience, but their clients’ as well – it allows advisors to spend less time doing duplicate data entry and more time taking care of clients’ needs.
The Real Wealth® mission is to educate, inspire and motivate Americans to make smart choices with their money. Real Wealth® supports insurance and financial advisors because they are the key to the success of their mission, as finances are complex and overwhelming for the average American. To support professionals, Real Wealth® offers a turnkey marketing service to help advisors reach more people and advise them to make better decisions with their money.
To learn more about Real Wealth®, visit, and find them newly featured on the Redtail Partners website.