
October 12, 2017

RiXtrema’s DOL Fiduciary Rule Checklist Tells Advisors What They Need to Do Now, Can Ensure Regulatory Compliance

RiXtrema, a leading provider of risk management tools and analysis to the financial advisory and broker/dealer community to help ensure that investors get the analysis and advice they […]
December 8, 2016

Larkspur Data and RiXtrema Partner to Provide Quantitative Ratings

Larkspur Data, a leading provider of targeted data and market intelligence for financial advisors in the 401k/qualified plan industry, and RiXtrema, a leading provider of risk management tools […]
November 19, 2016

Advisor Benchmarking FeeComp Database from RiXtrema Announced: Will Power DOL Fiduciary Rule Solutions

Financial advisors can now easily assess, document and defend the fees they charge in order to prove they are working in the client’s best interests. Financial […]